
Open calls

Postdoc in geoinformatics

We are looking for a 2-year (can be extended) postdoc in geoinformatics to work on novel data cube implementations in Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS).
Read more about the position and applying.
Deadline - 15 November

Postdoc in hydrological modelling

We are looking for a 2-year (can be extended to 4 years) postdoc in hydrological modelling to work on testing different land use in various catchments to identify the effectiveness of in-stream wetlands to reduce the agricultural nutrient loads. The research is part of the “Creating Water-Smart Landscapes” project funded by the European Research Council.
Read more about the position and applying.
Deadline - 15 October 2024

We also welcome visiting researchers and students, postdocs, national and international research and educational collaborations.

There are general funding options available:

Evelyn Uuemaa

Professor in Geoinformatics

Landscape Geoinformatics Lab
Department of Geography
University of Tartu
Vanemuise 46
51003 Tartu, Estonia

Phone: +372 737 5827